Sunday, September 27, 2009


AB making a face for the camera

Daun palas (palm leaves) for ketupat pulut (glutinous rice cakes)

Boiled ketupat pulut (glutinous rice cakes) wrapped in daun palas.

Originated in the northern states of Malaysia, ketupat pulut is par–cooked glutinous rice in coconut milk, wrapped with palm leaves in a triangular shape and then boiled. The texture is sticky. Some would add groundnuts for extra bite and flavour or use black glutinous rice.

Ketupat pulut with Northern–style chicken rendang

Ketupat pulut (white and black glutinous rice cakes) with beef and chicken rendang

Ketupat pulut hitam (black glutinous rice cakes)

Rendang ayam cili padi (dry chicken rendang, Negeri Sembilan style)

Nasi himpit ('compressed' or 'compacted' rice cakes)

Kuah kacang (peanut sauce)


Lemang (glutinous rice cakes).

Lemang is made of glutinous rice and coconut milk, wrapped in banana leaves and slowly baked over charcoal or wood fire in bamboo trunks/tubes.

Serunding daging (beef floss)

Serunding ikan (fish floss)

Laksa (rice noodles in fish sauce)

Carrot rice

Beef and young bamboo shoot curry

Ayam masak merah (chicken in chilli and tomato sauce)

Tomato rice served with beef kurma, cucumber and pineapple pickles and ayam masak merah (chicken in chilli and tomato sauce)

My grilled Portobello mushrooms, marinated with unsalted butter, olive oil and dried herbs, and topped with mozzarella cheese.

Family and relatives giving themselves a helping at grandma's


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Skyjuice:)

Fascinating set of photos and fantastic food.

I have not tasted bamboo shoots so far in my life:) Can you believe it?

I have eaten glutinous rice cakes. It is available here in shops.

Your mushroom preparation looks wonderful.

It is so nice to see family people get together on these important occasions and have food together. I suppose grandma is the center of attraction. She pulls them all together under one roof. Happiness, laughter and joy that prevails on these occasions is something to be cherished.

SkyJuice said...

Thank you, Joseph. :-)

Do try bamboo shoots when you get the chance. They aren't easy to find in some other parts of the country especially in big cities, but they're quite common here. My dad has a couple of bamboo trees in the garden.

How do you serve glutinous rice cakes over there? On its own, with sauce or curry?

Yes, my grandma was the centre of attention now that my grandpa was no longer around.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi SkyJuice:)

The glutinous rice cake available here in shops is sweet and therefore can be eaten as a snack with tea.

Best wishes:)